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No matter how big your house or office is, a hanging plant will always fit in. Hanging plants add an extra dimension to your space. For example, you could hang the house plant on a shelf, use a hook on the wall or hang it on a curtain rod.
In general, it's possible to use any plant species as hanging plants. However, there are some plant species which look better from above. Plants which are suitable as hanging plants usually have long stems which grow lengthwise downwards.
When you hang a trailing plant, keep in mind that you should still be able to water it. Trailing plants need water just like any other house plant. If you can't easily reach a hanging plant, it's wise to water it using a small ladder.
It's best to water hanging plants from the side, rather than on top of their leaves. This prevents leaf loss. Besides, watering on top of their leaves can cause unsightly and brown leaves. That would be a shame!
Can't choose from our hanging plants? Then take a look at our favourite hanging plants.