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It’s almost that time again! You go to the campsite, an all-inclusive, tropical place or go camping in the woods. Very nice for you, but what about your houseplants?
During a vacation you leave your plant mother’s soul alone in your house. That’s why we have some tips especially for those who stay behind. So that they too can survive without you.
Move your plants to a spot with less (in)direct sunlight. This way you can be sure that you do not end up with dried out plants. A place on the windowsill or directly in front of a window with a lot of sun is not advisable. It is best to place the plants in a somewhat darker location, so that they use less energy.
Keep in mind that plants will always need sunlight. Even the plants which survive well in the semi-shade need sunlight. Closing all the window coverings in your house can therefore cause problems for the plants.
Just before you leave home you can fill a water irrigator with water. This way the plant has at least some moisture at its disposal for the coming days. A water irrigator is available in different shapes and sizes. The most common water irrigators are water balls.
Do you have an Urban Jungle? Then you can always ask someone you trust to come over and water your plants. Do you have a best friend who doesn't know much about plants? Then make a handy checklist with dates and amounts of water!
In the checklist, you indicate how much water each plant needs. Make it even easier by adding the right dates. Your plant caretaker can then easily tick off these dates! Even for a beginner, taking care of plants is a piece of cake!
Are you staying at the beach for 2 weeks? Then houseplants that need weekly water will be missing 2 shifts of water, which is actually fine. The best thing to do when you leave is to add some plant nutrition and give a little extra water. That should do it for those sun lovers! In any case, do not over-water! This can cause root rot, even if you do not water for the next two weeks.
The easiest green friend is surely a succulent or a sturdy cactus. Especially if you're going on holiday for a while! These green friends can easily go a month without water. Are you going away for a longer period? That is no problem for most cacti and succulents. Just provide a normal amount of water when you leave and a month later they will still look exactly the same. Wanna bet?