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Yellow leaves. Often a sign that something is not quite right. Yet it can also be part of the natural growth of your houseplant. How do you know if your houseplant is happy?
One plant lets its leaves die to make room for new leaves, while another plant with the yellow color asks for help. Look and listen carefully!
Yes, that’s right! It could be that your houseplant is one of those plants where yellow leaves are very common. Even though they are happy! So the yellow leaves are certainly not your concern.
Plants such as Alocasia kill off older leaves. During this process the leaves turn yellow. By letting the old leaves die off, there is room and energy for new leaves.
If your plant develops more and more yellow leaves and you don’t see any green leaves anymore, there is something else going on. At that moment there are several reasons why leaves can turn yellow.
The most common reason for all your plant problems. Water. The best thing you can do is to check the soil in the flowerpot. Stick your finger deep enough into the soil to check the humidity. Is the soil on the wet side? It’s best to take the houseplant out of the flowerpot, and remove the soil from the roots. Yellow leaves in case of too much water can cause root rot.
Doesn’t your houseplant suffer from too much water? Then check if your plant is in the right place. If your plant gets too little water it may start to shed leaves. Too little light means your plant has to work harder to maintain itself, resulting in yellow leaves.
Is your plant in the right place? Then it is possible that you give too much nutrients. If you give too much nourishment the roots of your plant will be damaged, which can cause yellow leaves. Attention! Too little nutrient can also cause yellow leaves. In autumn and winter a houseplant barely needs any nutrients. In autumn a plant will grow less because of the lack of light. In the spring and summer your plant does need extra nutrients, because of the amount of light it gets. So make sure you have the right balance!