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In nature the Ivy can reach a height of 30 meters. As soon as you use the plant as a indoor plant this will not be the case. In terms of care the plant is not difficult. Both indoors and outdoors.
Propagating the Ivy, or Hedera, is very easy. Just like taking care of the plant. You do need some patience, but the cuttings will definitely grow.
First clean the scissors you might be using.
Keep the scissors under hot water and clean them well. This prevents you from unnecessarily transferring bacteria during the propagation.
Do you happen to have disinfectant or pure alcohol? Disinfect the tools after using hot water. Let's get away with those bacteria and fungi!
You can cut the Ivy just below the leaf. Make sure there are leaves above the cutt. Keep in mind that the bottom leaf needs to be removed.
You can also choose to cut several small pieces.
You can propagate an Ivy in water. Place the cutting directly in the water. Make sure that every leaf that touches the water is removed. The leaf that has to be removed, can be cut off with scissors.
Change the water weekly in the glassware.
After about 4 to 6 weeks roots will start to grow. When the roots are about 5 cm, you can repot the cutting in a decorative pot. Use fresh potting soil to prevent mourning flies. Mourning flies develop in moist environments, like used potting soil.
That’s it! You have successfully propagated the Ivy.