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The Dracaena is popular as an indoor plant characterized by long and slim leaves with red edges.
This indoor plant can deal with different temperatures and can survive some neglect, making it fairly straightforward and simple to take care of.
Due to the tough nature of this plant, the Dracaena, also known as the "Dragon Tree" is perfect for any beginner. According to a study by NASA, this house plant also functions as an air-purifier indoors and clears out formaldehyde from the air.
The fact that this houseplant is undemanding makes it an ideal choice for homes and offices. Just provide it with the right amount of water and light.
The Dracaena has about 120 species. Here's a list of some popular Dracaena.
The Dracaena is native to Madagascar, which is why this plant loves warm temperatures. The name of the plant is derived from the ancient Greek word "drakaina" which translates to "female dragon."
It belongs to the Asparagaceae family and can grow to about 182 centimeters tall when grown indoors.
Caring for the Dracaena is relatively painless, as these plants are not very high- maintenance.
Use distilled water or filtered water for the Dracaena. This is because the minerals and salts present in unfiltered water or tap water can cause the tips of the leaves to turn brown.
Just like any other plant, be careful to not overwater it, as this plant prefers its soil to not be soggy or too wet. The soil must be dry first for you to water this plant again.
Over-watering this house plant can cause it to grow fungus or will make its roots start to rot. However, if the leaves of the Dracaena start to turn yellow, this could be a sign that it is not being watered enough.
The Dracaena thrives best with indirect sunlight. Place it somewhere where direct sunlight does not hit this houseplant as this can burn its leaves. If it is placed in a room with less light, it will still survive.
If you feel that your houseplant isn't growing properly, consider changing the location to one that has more light.
Bright sunlight also helps the Dracaena to grow faster, while low light can slow down its growth. In addition, this plant does well in the heat and enjoys high humidity levels.
If your home has low humidity, misting the plant with water now and then will do the trick. Another option is to use a humidifier. When it comes to temperature, the Dracaena does best at 21-26°C.
Even though this plant can handle a range of temperatures, extreme cold temperatures can damage its leaves. Place them away from vents to prevent the plant from drying out.
The Dracaena needs a loamy, well-drained potting mix. Choose a pot that has ample room for the roots of this plant.
Start feeding the plant a month after it has been planted. Feed it less during the winter months. During the growth season, feed the Dracaena once a month with a liquid fertilizer. However, this plant does not need to be provided in the winter.
Although it does not require much pruning, if the Dracaena grows too much, just trim it from the top with a clean pair of scissors to the required size and give it some shape.
Since they do not grow too quickly, they can be repotted once every few years. If the soil hardens over time, replace it with new, fresh soil.
Interestingly, the Dracaena also plays the role of an air purifier and can clean the air of chemicals like xylene, formaldehyde, and benzene, which is also one reason people prefer it for their homes.
The Dracaena leaves are toxic to cats and dogs because they contain toxic alkyds. If chewed by pets, these leaves can cause diarrhea, drooling, mouth irritation, swelling in the face, etc.
Since animals are likely to chew the leaves, it is important to keep them away from the Dracaena. Furthermore, this houseplant is also toxic for children.
Propagating the Dracaena is easy and can be done in two ways. One way is to take stem trimmings and just root them in water. Wait a few weeks for the cuttings to develop roots and then pot them in soil.
Another way is to just place the cutting on moist soil, and it will grow roots. Don't let the soil dry out, though.