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Ferns are open to any kind of growing medium such as baskets or pots. The leaves of a Fern are delicate, long, and curved at the end. They may not grow flowers, but they're undeniably pretty to look at and a household favorite.
Ferns date back to almost 400 million years ago, which means they now have evolved to many different types of species. Their green foliage precedes the time of dinosaurs, making them one of the oldest living things to exist.
There are quite a few varieties of Fern which are grown indoors. They all have the same kind of care, even if they look slightly different from each other.
The different types of the plant include but are not limited to Bird's Nest Fern, Button Fern, Holly Fern, Staghorn Fern, Tree Fern, and Rabbit Foot's Fern.
It's not difficult to grow a Fern; as long as you follow the instructions, your plant will flourish for an extended period.
You can water your plant at least twice a week during growing months, from Spring to Autumn, as they like moisture. However, during the winter season, when the plant is almost dormant, decrease the amount of watering as it can retain moisture in those months.
The best way to check if the plant requires water is to touch the top layer of the soil to inspect if it's dry. Only water the Fern if the top few centimeters have dried out, but don't let the plant dry out completely before the next watering. Make sure you don't overwater. It is best to have a pot that has a drainage system as this plant doesn't appreciate waterlogging.
You can place your Fern outdoors but in a shaded area. Indoors, you can place them in terrariums, pots or hanging baskets as long as they receive enough light and care. If your bathroom receives enough light, you can also place your Fern there as the humidity levels are pretty high.
If your Fern is indoors, try to keep them away from electronics that can bring about a sudden change in temperatures, such as air conditioners, ovens, or fireplaces.
As Ferns originate from tropical regions, they prefer warmer temperatures. Ferns don't appreciate drafts or cooler temperatures. If you bring your Fern outside, don't forget to bring him back inside when the temperature falls below 15°C.
If the atmosphere is dry for a long period, the leaves will not only turn brown, but they'll also start falling. There are quite a few ways to increase the humidity around the plant.
You can spray a water mist around the plant every day. Another way to ensure humidity is to plug a humidifier nearby. However, the best way to constantly have an array of humidity around the plant is to create a pebble or a granules tray.
Exposing this plant to direct sunlight will turn the leaves brown and burn them. Therefore, keep the Fern in such a place where it receives bright but indirect sunlight. The leaves turn yellow when they don't receive enough light.
You can fertilize your Fern using a liquid fertilizer every month during the growing season. Make sure to keep the liquid fertilizer at half strength as this plant tends to burn if overfed.
When you're repotting the plant, it's encouraged to divide the roots, so they have space to grow in new pots. This is also a form of creating a new plant.
Keep the pot where there's a constant source of bright but indirect sunlight, as well as humidity. Try to touch the cuttings as little as you can, as Ferns are delicate and don't like to be handled a lot.
Ferns only need to be repotted if you feel the roots are outgrowing the pot. Once this happens, gently take the plant out of the pot, and separate the roots into two pieces. Place them in separate pots, only slightly larger than the previous ones, with new soil and compost. The pots or hanging baskets should always have a proper drainage system, or else the roots will rot.
Ferns are quite steadfast, and they usually don't succumb to pests. However, if you feel the leaves are turning brown or look dead, you can easily prune them using hand pruners.