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Peperomia are pleasant and low-maintenance houseplants. They have over 1000 species, and because they are not demanding they can survive in most conditions
These plants are tough and drought-tolerant. They contain leaves that are quite thick, and their ornamental foliage makes them suitable for homes and public spaces. Moreover, the Peperomia are compact plants that grow very slowly.
The varieties of the Peperomia have diverse foliage and are quite different from one another. They could have big leaves or small leaves, heart-shaped leaves, red leaves or marbled leaves, etc.
There are many different types of Peperomia plants, and some of them are listed below:
Peperomia belongs to the Piperaceae family, and its name has been taken from the Greek words "peperi," meaning "pepper," and "homios," which means "like."
This plant is native to Mexico, South America, and West Indies and is seen as a sign of good luck in Brazil. The interesting thing about it is that it can be grown throughout the year and purify the air.
The Peperomia is an excellent choice for anyone to add to their plant collection. They aren't fussy and require low care.
These houseplants are susceptible to whitefly, spider mites, and mealybugs. So sufficient air circulation will protect this plant from disease. Avoid getting the leaves of this plant wet, and don't keep the plant in direct sunlight.
This Peperomia doesn't need to be watered too frequently. When watering, wait for the top layer of the soil to dry first. Over-watering the Peperomia can cause its roots to rot, leaves turning yellow or wilt and even cause fungus.
The fleshy leaves of this plant can hold moisture. This allows the Peperomia to go on for long periods without water, making this plant drought-tolerant.
Furthermore, don't pour water on the top of the plant as this can drench the leaves and lead to plant disease. It is best to water the Peperomia maybe once every 7-10 days. Water it less during the wintertime.
Bright but not direct light is the best for the Peperomia. Direct sunlight should be avoided as this can scorch the foliage. When there isn't enough indirect for the Peperomia, it can cause the plant to become leggy or leaves will start to drop.
If you notice leaf drop or your plant growing fewer leaves, change its location to get some light as inadequate light can slow down its growth.
Additionally, place your plant away from a radiator as this will dry it out.
Most of the Peperomia varieties do just fine in low humidity, which makes them suitable to be used as houseplants. However, the Peperomia does enjoy high humidity.
How much humidity each type of Peperomia needs depends on how thick the leaves are. The leaves that are thicker can handle low humidity levels.
The Peperomia loves warm temperatures 15.6°-26.7°C, while cold drafts can make the plant suffer.
The pot or container for the Peperomia plant should have drainage holes at the base and be sufficiently big. If the roots of the plant start to poke out of the pot's drainage holes, this is a sign that the pot is too small and needs to be changed for a bigger one.
There is no need to frequently repot Peperomia as it is a slow-grower; just once in about 2-3 years is good enough to prevent the soil from hardening.
When it comes to fertilizer, the Peperomia species don't require feeding too frequently. If anything, overfeeding can damage it. Feeding this plant once a month during its growing season is enough. A liquid fertilizer should be used.
The Peperomia plants are air-purifiers as well. According to research conducted by NASA, the Peperomia reduces the levels of formaldehyde indoors.
Compared to other houseplants, the Peperomia plant is quite safe for pets and non-toxic. It isn't poisonous for humans either. However, you should still keep this houseplant out of children's and pets' reach.
You can propagate the Peperomia plant with cuttings. Cut the leaf from the parent plant with the stem attached to it. This should then be placed in soil. Cover it with a plastic bag to avoid any moisture from escaping.
Keep watering to prevent the soil from drying. Give it some weeks, and roots will start to grow out. Bear in mind that the shears or scissors you use should be sterile.