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Sansevieria plants are known to thrive when their owners tend to forget about them. This means less water and any kind of light, even though bright but indirect, is the best. Therefore, if you're looking for your very first plant, a Sansevieria is the way to go.
One of the best things about a Sansevieria is that pests don't seem to like this plant. All you need to do is, once every few months, wipe the leaves gently with a slightly damp cloth, and you're good to go.
Sansevieria is also known as a Snake plant, or a mother-in-law's tongue and even viper's bowstring.
Since the plants are long-lived, every year, a new variety is being discovered. Not all the varieties necessarily have tall leaves; some have round and concave, or flat and short. They have different colors, such as silver, yellow-white, other shades of green, etc.
Some of the common house plants include but are not limited to; Sansevieria Cylindrica, also known as Spikey, Sansevieria Fernwood Punk and Snaky Sansevieria.
Before watering the Sansevieria, check if the soil has dried out completely, which is usually only once or twice a month. Sansevieria plants don't appreciate soggy soil.
If the roots of the Snake plant sit in water, they'll rot. During the winter months, reduce the watering to only a couple of times a month. This plant acts as a succulent, and since succulents store water, so can a Sansevieria.
Some owners have another trick up their sleeve to water the plant. They hold the post under the sink for a while, and the plant absorbs as much moisture as it needs and lets go of the rest.
Similar to other houseplants, Sansevieria plants prefer bright but indirect sunlight. They're perfect for windows that face the sun, only covered with a sheer curtain. Make sure you don't expose them to direct sunlight as the leaves will turn yellow and fall.
On the other hand, they can also grow in the shade without bright sunlight. The growth will relatively be slower, but it'll still grow. This is one of the reasons the Sansevieria is considered low maintenance.
Sansevieria plants like warm temperatures. They won't survive in temperatures below 10°C. If your plant is indoors, avoid placing it where drafts are regular such as in front of air conditioning vents or open windows.
Provide your Sansevieria with a fertilizer at half strength once a month during the growing season. This is a sensitive plant in terms of feed, and overfeeding it will lead to loss of leaves. Therefore, keep the feed to a minimum and definitely don't feed it during the winter months.
Sansevieria plants only require repotting if the roots threaten to crack the pot. The thing with this plant is that when the roots are crowded, the plant blooms and produces flowers. That's why owners wait until the last minute to repot.
Another reason for the Sansevieria to be a household favorite is the air-purifying qualities it contains. The Sansevieria absorbs toxins from the air, providing you with clean air to breathe in.
The Sansevieria is not toxic to animals. If cats or dogs ingest it, they'd have diarrhea or start vomiting.
The best time to propagate the Sansevieria is the Spring season. This particular plant has rhizomes, which you can easily divide and place in another pot.
Another easy way to propagate the Sansevieria is via leaf cutting. All you have to do is cut pieces of 5 cm from the leaves and plant them in a pot. They should be about 2 cm deep, facing the way they were cut off. Take care of it like you'd take care of a normal Sansevieria and enjoy the growth!