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Chlorophytum Comosum, more commonly known as the Spider plant, is one of the most popular houseplants worldwide. They look the best in hanging baskets, as they spill over like a mini waterfall.
You can place this plant in various parts of the house, especially as it's one of the few which looks good in hanging baskets. You can also put them on walls or on the ground to brighten up a dull space.
The foliage of a Spider plant is beautiful, with white and green stripes on the leaves. They also have small flowers growing on them, but this plant is more famous for the overall look than the flowers.
The name Chlorophytum Comosum is long, hence why there are many nicknames for this plant. The most common nickname is Spider plant, but other names such as Spider Ivy or Airplane plant, St. Bernard's lily, or ribbon plant are also used interchangeably.
The family name of this plant is Asparagaceae.
The different varieties of the plant include the milky way, vittatum, variegatum, and white stripe. All of them have the same type of waterfall look, just with leaves of different shades of green or with other kinds of stripes in the middle.
Although this plant originates from South Africa, they've found its way towards Europe a couple of hundred years ago. And since then, they've been a household favorite.
One of the most low-maintenance houseplants, the Spider plant doesn't require much care. But if you follow the care routine, your plant can survive for decades and even multiply!
Before watering, check to make sure the top few inches of the soil have dried out. You can do this by poking a finger in the soil. This will prevent you from overwatering the plant as overwatering leads to the roots' clogging, leading to root rot. This also means that the pot or basket should have a good drainage system that avoids waterlogging.
The Spider plant thrives in bright but indirect sunlight. You can expose the plant to direct sun for a couple of hours a day, but only in the morning or evening when the sun is not scorching. A few more hours, and the leaves will burn.
Since this plant looks great in hanging baskets, they're perfect for balconies or patios, where they get bright and indirect sunlight. However, since they prefer higher temperatures, you should bring your plant inside during the winter season.
Temperature & Humidity: Even though the plant won't die in temperatures below 10°C, it's still not ideal for the plant. An ideal temperature falls around 20°C, with high levels of humidity. The best way to create humidity around this plant is to spray a water mist once a week in the air around it.
Although the Spider plant doesn't require fertilizers, you can always give them a diluted version of liquid fertilizers every few weeks, only in the growing months. In winter, avoid providing your plant with nutrition as those are dormant months and will do more harm than good.
However, if you are repotting your plant annually, you don't need to fertilize it, as the new soil provides enough nutrition for the plant to prosper.
A few decades ago, it was discovered that the Spider plant purifies the air of a specific substance called formaldehyde. This makes it a good investment for an indoor space.
This plant's leaves are harmful to pets, as the plants have ingested the air's harmful substances after purifying it.
Since the Spider plant doesn't require a lot of care, you don't have to look out for much. But if you neglect it, the plant will adopt a dull and shabby look, which isn't going to make for a lovely ornament. Hence, make sure you provide it with enough sunlight and appropriate amounts of water for it to flourish.
The pot should always have a few inches of soil between the roots and the pot. And as soon as the roots begin to show, the plant should be transferred to a bigger pot as it needs room to breathe and grow.
Like most plants, Spider plants aren't averse to pests. The most common ones that appear on the leaves are spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. There are different ways to get rid of the pests, but washing the water with sprays of water or using insecticides is the most effective way. Make sure you catch the pests earlier on before they ultimately damage the plants.
It's very easy to propagate the Spider plant. It has many offshoots which sprout all over, which can be cut off and replanted in a new pot. Ensure the sprout has at least five leaves grown on it or roots at least 3 centimeters (cm) long.
If you feel the roots haven't grown enough, you can always place the shorter roots in a bowl of water before replanting. The best part about the growth of sprouts is that they have a fast-growing speed, especially when cared for in warmer temperatures.
Another way is to simply divide the original plant into two parts and replant them in separate pots. This will give you a new pot and help provide the original plant with space to breathe and grow.