Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

€20.00 €18.35
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Choose a height:
  1. 25 cm
  2. 55 cm

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25 cm


12 cm

Botanical name

Aloe Vera

Toxic to pets



Watering Requires water every 3 months. During the summer once a month
Best location Can be positioned at any location. From bright light to partial shade
Plant nutrition Additional plant nutrition is not necessary
Repotting After purchase, repotting is not necessary. The plant should then be repotted preferably every 2 years


Perhaps one of the friendliest and most straightforward indoor plants is the Aloe Vera. The "Empress of healing plants" needs water once every two weeks. Indeed Majestic, suiting its name!

The Aloe Vera's nurturing effect comes from its juice contained in its leaves. The liquid is used in drinks, wound dressings, cosmetics and for sunburns.. Aloe Vera plants are real sun lovers. Place the plant in a bright spot, and it won't complain.

More information
More Information
Height (incl. pot)25 cm
Pot size Ø12 cm
Decorative potWith decorative pot options
Botanical nameAloe Vera
AttributesEasy to care for, Green, Shade-loving, Small
Suitable forOffice, Living room, Bedroom
LocationDirect sunlight, Indirect sunlight, Shade
WateringRequires water every 3 months. During the summer once a month
Best locationCan be positioned at any location. From bright light to partial shade
Plant nutritionAdditional plant nutrition is not necessary
RepottingAfter purchase, repotting is not necessary. The plant should then be repotted preferably every 2 years