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The Syngonium, also known as the Arrowhead vine, referring to the arrow-shaped leaves, is an attractive plant that has become very popular as a houseplant. This plant can easily handle low light conditions.
Moreover, this plant is not at all fussy and very easy to look after and maintain. This is precisely what makes it perfect for a beginner. The leaves of this plant can have varying structures and colors based on the plant’s age.
The Syngonium has multiple varieties of different sizes and colors. Here is a list of some of them:
The Syngonium plant originates from Mexico, Bolivia, and Ecuador. It is a tropical plant and belongs to the Araceae family. The botanical name of this plant is Syngonium podophyllum.
Its name is derived from the Greek words “syn,” which means “together” and “gone,” meaning “united ovaries”.
Water the Syngonium regularly during the summer and springtime. Reduce the watering frequency during the wintertime. This plant requires watering to grow properly. Wait for the water to dry out between each watering session and when you water it, ensure that the soil is evenly moist.
Make sure to touch the soil and check if the top 3 cm of the soil is dry. Do not let this plant get too dry, however, as this can cause leaf browning.
Similarly, do not over-water the Syngonium as this can cause root rot, wilting, or even result in your houseplant dying.
The Syngonium enjoys bright light. Therefore, it should be placed in a location where it can get bright but indirect sunlight. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, the hot rays will burn the leaves and vine.
Place them where there are vents and drafts in the winter months as this could damage your houseplant. This houseplant does best in 15-26°C, and temperatures lower than 10°C can ruin this plant.
Humidity is also an important factor for this plant. 40%-50% humidity is enough for this plant, but it will enjoy slightly higher humidity levels. Mist the plant with water if the humidity is too low, or use a humidifier.
Select a potting mix that is well-drained and soil-based. A well-drained potting mix will prevent root rot.
The Syngonium is not much of a feeder. You can feed it with liquid fertilizer once every month in the summer, and spring, months. Follow the directions of the fertilizer packaging properly when feeding.
Since the Syngonium is dormant in the winter months, you don’t have to feed it around this time.
As far as repotting is concerned, it depends on how much you want your arrowhead vine to grow. You can repot this houseplant once a year if you want it to grow big. If you don’t want it to get large, repot every other 2-3 years. This will prevent the arrowhead vine from becoming root-bound. Repotting this plant frequently will help it grow rapidly. You can use a moss stick to let it climb up.
If your plant is growing really slow, this is a sign that it might need repotting. You can also prune this plant for a bushy and fuller appearance. Protect your hands from the toxic sap of this plant by wearing gloves when pruning.
The Syngonium can act as an anti-pollutant and breaks down toxic pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene, etc. This plant is not just ornamental but also serves as an air purifier.
The Syngonium is mildly toxic to cats and dogs as well as humans. Therefore, your pets and children must stay away from this houseplant as it is poisonous.
This toxicity is due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals all over the plant. Ingesting this plant can cause poisoning and the following symptoms.
The Syngonium can simply be propagated during the growing season, which includes the spring and summertime.
You can root this plant using stem cuttings. Cut a stem with aerial roots and put the cutting in a glass of water. Wait for roots to form. Give it at least a month before you transfer and pot it in soil.