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During the day, all kinds of good and bad pollutants are released into your home or office space. An air-purifying plant deals with these pollutants and converts CO2 (carbon dioxide) into oxygen. The plants achieve this by opening their stomata during the day. Air-purifying plants also ensure better humidity by adding water vapour to the air. During these processes, they even break down harmful substances and unpleasant odours.
It’s scientifically proven that plants have an air-purifying function. Back in 1989, NASA published a study on the air-purifying function of various plant species.
However, this is good to know: The volume of air circulating at home or at the office is quite large. This volume of air is larger than the air-purifying quality of plants. Plants do indeed convert gases into less harmful substances, but the scale on which they do so, only slightly improves the air quality indoors.
The air-purifying effect of house plants is a fact, but it’s a myth that they can significantly improve the air quality in your home. Even if you have 50 plants in your urban jungle room, it will not be enough to air purify your home.
Whether the presence of air-purifying plants does or doesn’t improve air quality indoors, they certainly add ambience.
To help you into the world of air-purifying plants, we have listed our top 10.